Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions:
About me
What law firm do you work for?
I provide my legal services via Keystone Law (see further information below).
What does your title Consultant Solicitor signify?
Keystone lawyers are free to call themselves Partner or Consultant Solicitor, as they see fit.
These titles may have connotations that suggest that one is more senior or experienced than the other. But at Keystone at least that is not the case. Keystone has an entirely level structure in which we are all regarded as equals. All Keystone Partners and Consultant Solicitors have considerable experience and expertise.
In my case I have been a partner in several law firms prior to Keystone, and for several years as head of one firm's Partnership and Professional Practices Group. My legal career spans more decades than I care to dwell upon!
When I joined Keystone we were all called Consultant Solicitor, and going forward I prefer to retain that title.
About this site
Is this a Keystone Law website?
No, this is my own website.
Keystone lawyers are responsible for marketing their own Keystone Law services.
There is also a page relating to me on the Keystone website (opens new window).
If you would like a confidential, no obligation discussion about your legal issues or requirements please feel free to call me on +44 (0) 20 7100 7766.
Keystone Law
What legal services do you offer at Keystone Law?
Much of my practice consists of advising and assisting clients who are in dispute with their fellow business proprietors, usually involving a partnership, LLP, limited company, and/or joint venture.
That assistance might include negotiation, mediation, arbitration or litigation, and in all cases I advise on how to achieve the best possible outcome.
Please click on the links above to find out more about the dispute resolution services that I offer via Keystone Law.
Through the firm I also prepare or update partnership and LLP documentation such as partnership agreements, LLP members' agreements, retirement agreements, dissolution agreements and compromise agreements, and assist clients with sales, purchases, mergers and other partnership and LLP transactions.
What other services does Keystone Law offer?
Keystone Law is a full service law firm, with offices in London, Bristol, Leeds, Newcastle, the Isle of Man, and (under the trading name Keypoint Law) Australia (Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney).
We have highly-experienced lawyers (well over 500 in total) in almost all areas of legal specialisation.
As well as my own specialist area of Business Partnerships, these include Litigation, Property, Construction, Employment, Corporate, Banking and Finance, Investment Funds, Insolvency, Shipping and Aviation, Family, Wills, Trusts and Tax.
I frequently work with other Keystone lawyers on matters which require a team or a range of specialist skills.
I would be happy to introduce you to suitable Keystone colleagues in relation to any work that is outside my own specialist areas.
Why did you join Keystone Law?
We call it "law set free".
Keystone enables its over 500 lawyers to practice from wherever best suits the needs of their clients, free from distractions such as law firm management and extensive administration.
Most of Keystone's lawyers are leaders in their specialist fields. Many used to be partners or senior employees in other well-known firms, who have moved to Keystone to get back to the pure practice of law.
There are no office hours or billing targets. That said, most Keystone lawyers, including myself, are kept very busy responding to the needs of their clients.
The flat structure and low overheads of the Keystone model allow Keystone lawyers to charge at rates which are often well below the rates charged by individuals with equivalent expertise in other London-based practices.
Is your work at Keystone Law regulated?
Yes, Keystone Law Limited (Company number 4650763) is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number 400999).
And because I am a Solicitor of the Senior Courts the SRA also regulates my personal conduct.
I am permitted to provide legal services only through Keystone Law or any other authorised and regulated entity.
Please also see this website's terms of use.