My work
The following are examples of some of my partnership, LLP, joint venture and shareholder dispute work, and also examples of transactional and drafting work in which I have been involved:
Advising a partner in a London accountancy practice threatened with dissolution of the firm as a purported means of terminating the relationship with him without compensation, resolved by way of substantial settlement
Advising joint venture special purpose vehicle companies involved in a complex dispute following the joint venture partners having fallen out, involving allegations of fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract and numerous other claims and counterclaims
Acting for LLP members sued in a substantial, multi-party claim in the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, and who were also joined to a connected unfair prejudice petition, in both cases concerning alleged misconduct of certain members of an investment LLP, and drafting a defence and assisting them to exit from the proceedings
Advising a partner in a legal practice partnership concerning proposals from his partners that would have stripped him of valuable rights on his impending retirement
Advising LLP members concerning a claim to recover overpaid profits from them
Advising a law firm LLP member on professional indemnity and succession issues arising out of closing down of a legal practice
Advising on professional indemnity insurance aspects of a patent attorney practice merger
Advising a member of a solicitors’ practice LLP on capital profits entitlement on the sale of the business
Representing a member of a law firm LLP in multi-party court proceedings following a merger of law firm practices
Advice on regulatory issues and drafting of a partnership agreement for a firm of solicitors
Advising a shareholder in an IT company on his exit in the face of proposed changes to the company’s share structure
Advising a former band member in relation to his rights to share profits and/or participate in the dissolution of the band’s partnership and LLP trading vehicles
Advising a member of a solicitors’ practice LLP concerning potential age discrimination and part-time worker detriment claims and assisting her to negotiate exit terms
Advising a partner in a firm of solicitors regarding a proposed merger with another firm
Advising a partner in a firm of solicitors regarding succession, retirement and profit-sharing entitlement issues
Advising partners in a firm of solicitors concerning their right to benefit from substantial payments received by the firm
Advising the executor of a deceased member of a solicitors’ practice LLP on the entitlement of the estate and other issues
Advising an intending member of a solicitors’ practice LLP on the provisions of the LLP members’ agreement
Advising a tax adviser LLP on the terms of exit of a member
Drafting a shareholders’ agreement and amended articles for a solicitors’ practice
Advising and drafting in relation to the LLP elements of a French company’s takeover of an English group of companies
Assisting a partner in a law firm with the negotiation of the terms of his exit
Advising a member of a legal practice LLP concerning rights to compensation and other rights arising out of alleged sex discrimination and detriment suffered by virtue of part-time working and whistleblowing (making protected disclosures)
Advising members of a private equity investment LLP on their dispute with a fellow member concerning his conduct, the funding and management of the LLP, and the ownership of certain assets
Advising an executor on the entitlement of the estate of a deceased partner of a valuable family care home business, and representing him in High Court, Chancery Division proceedings
Advising European lawyers on a proposed merger with a US law firm via an English LLP
Acting for joint venturers in an appeal to the Court of Appeal
Advising a director/shareholder of an IT company on his rights and obligations on his exit from the company, involving corporate, employment and intellectual property issues
Advising a solicitor shareholder of a legal practice limited company on his rights as against the other shareholders.
Advising a Big Four accountancy LLP member on, and negotiating the terms of, his exit
Acting for a leading accountancy practice in High Court Bankruptcy Registry statutory demand setting aside proceedings, following service of those demands on former LLP members seeking recovery of overdrawings and LLP losses, culminating in a one-day hearing in which the members’ defences and counterclaims were defeated and leave to present bankruptcy petitions was granted
Acting in High Court proceedings for individuals claiming to be partners in a night club business, and also including a successful restitution claim, culminating in a nine day trial
Advising a legal practice LLP member (solicitor) whose department was being sold to another legal practice and negotiating a retirement agreement
Advising a legal practice LLP member (solicitor) on his terms of exit from the LLP and on the terms on which he would join a competing legal practice LLP
Advising a member of a mergers and acquisitions advisory LLP in relation to proposed amendments to the LLP members’ agreement
Advising a Magic Circle law firm partner (LLP member) on his exit
Acting for a partner in a property development partnership in arbitration proceedings seeking recovery of secret profits, culminating in a two week trial
Advising a Big Four accountancy practice partner (LLP member) on her exit
Advising a patent and trade mark attorney LLP on the exit terms of its senior partner and the terms of a post-retirement consultancy agreement
Advising a legal practice LLP following misappropriation of its funds and other misconduct by an exiting member
Advising an LLP member on the terms of his exit from a tax consultancy business
Advising a foreign lawyer alleged to have been a partner in or held out as a partner of an insolvent English law firm who was being sued as a partner for recovery of damages
Drafting an LLP members agreement for a firm of solicitors
Advising property investment LLP members on settlement of a dispute with a former member
Advising a retiring partner of a GP (doctors’) partnership on the terms of her retirement, involving sex discrimination, part-time worker and restrictive covenant issues
Acting for a leading accountancy practice in High Court proceedings to recover LLP member overdrawings and LLP losses, also involving a misrepresentation defence and counterclaim by the member and a successful strike out application, resulting in a substantial judgment
Acting for a retired partner of an architectural partnership in an arbitration challenging retirement accounts
Advising a partner excluded from a substantial family retail business
Assisting a former law firm partner (solicitor) to pursue arbitration proceedings challenging retirement accounts drawn up by his former firm
Assisting a partner (solicitor) of a dissolved legal partnership to recover the value of partnership assets and contribution to partnership debts from another partner
Advising a farming partnership partner on the terms of his exit
Acting for a GP (doctors’) practice in relation to the expulsion of a partner
If you would like a confidential, no obligation discussion to explore how I can assist you, please contact me.