Terms of use
This website is owned and operated by Peter Garry (“I”, “me” or “the author”; and “my” shall mean “Peter Garry’s”) in his personal capacity. It is not owned or operated by or on behalf of Keystone Law Limited or any other person or entity authorised or regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority or any other legal regulator.
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My correspondence address in connection with this website is:
Peter Garry
First Floor
48 Chancery Lane
London WC2A 1JF
United Kingdom
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Unless indicated otherwise the law discussed in this website and in emails sent by me is the law of England and Wales. Law, practice and opinions change over time and the matters discussed should not be assumed to be up to date. I disclaim all liability and responsibility for updating Content.
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The author reserves the right at any time to remove or edit Content or to discontinue this website and/or the sending of emails for any reason or purpose without notice.
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Any matters stated or implied by the author or Content prior to signature and coming into effect of a formal, written Keystone Law Limited engagement letter/retainer or communicated or delivered outside of the discharge of such retainer should be treated as matters of opinion only and should not be relied upon as regulated, legal or other advice or for any purpose, and the author disclaims all liability arising from them.
Without prejudice to the above, any legal services carried out by the author and any legal advice given are carried out or given as a Consultant Solicitor in Keystone Law Limited (Company number 4650763) which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number 400999).
These terms of use shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and any matter or dispute arising in connection with them shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
I reserve the right to modify or amend these terms of use at any time. The effective date from time to time will be displayed below. To keep you informed, I will notify users of material changes to these terms of use either by email and/or by prominently announcing the updated terms of use on this Site for a period of not less than two weeks.
Last updated on 20 March 2019.