Author: Peter Garry

The 10 most important partnership or LLP deed clauses

The 10 most important partnership or LLP deed clauses

…Recessions bring out the worst in people… A recession has a way of exposing weaknesses in legal drafting. As practices try to respond to the economic climate, management teams consult the fine print of their partnership deed or LLP members’ agreement, and may find it wanting. This article describes and explains the importance of a…

Partners in a boardroom

Who is liable for an LLP legal practice run-off premium?

“… the number of insureds under a practice’s professional indemnity insurance can easily double every fifteen or so years …” (First published in the Law Society Gazette on 20 August 2009) Last year a letter dropped though the door of numerous former employees of Merricks LLP, putting them on notice that if certain of the…