
Insurance renewal induced cessation

Insurance renewal-induced cessation

“… If someone is completing on Friday it does not help them if their solicitor ceases to practise on Thursday …” Some legal practices are only now, with one week to go, receiving premium quotes for their 1 October 2010 professional indemnity insurance renewal. It is nail-biting for them as they may have only one quote – it is…

Escaping liability in professional partnership insolvencies

Escaping liability in professional partnership insolvencies

… It is possible inadvertently to throw away these defences in the course of the process leading up to administration, a PVA and/or IVAs … This article describes the run-up to a professional partnership insolvency, and the choices faced by the partners who control the partnership. It then goes on to identify particular issues faced…

Settling partnership disputes through mediation

Settling partnership disputes through mediation

“… after a few hours of tight-lipped civility, one or other of the parties … cannot stop himself telling the other party what he really thinks …” There are a number of factors which distinguish partnership disputes from other types of commercial dispute.  In consequence, different methods are sometimes required to achieve settlement. In this…

What happens after a partnership dissolution notice is served?

What happens after a partnership dissolution notice is served?

“… the income of the firm may well diminish and/or partners may not account fully or at all for accrued WIP …” Unless there is an express agreement between partners permitting retirement, no partner can retire from a partnership at will.  The only way to bring about termination of the relationship is for one or…

Capital retention woes

Capital retention woes

“… Possession being nine-tenths of the law, a partner/member in this position may have to sue to recover his capital …” A worrying trend has been emerging.  It has become much more common for partners and LLP members leaving professional practices to have difficulty extracting their capital. Typically professional practice governing agreements provide for capital…

Alternative Business Structures - Big Bang or damp squib?

Alternative Business Structures – Big Bang or damp squib?

“… how beneficial will consolidation into fewer, larger entities be for consumers? …” A great deal of time and money have been spent preparing for the arrival of Alternative Business Structures (ABS) in October 2011.  The 2004 Clementi Report led the Ministry of Justice to formulate and pilot the Legal Services Bill through Parliament, and it passed into…

Senior partner-itis

Senior partner-itis

“… Typically the senior partner becomes complacent about the fabulous hand of cards that life has dealt him and starts to presume that he can do no wrong …” It may come as no surprise that amongst professional practices that have no provision in their partnership deed for regular senior partner elections, an unusually high proportion…

Rogue partners

Rogue partners

… The majority of professional practices are woefully deficient in detecting the “virus” at the point of introducing it/him into the practice … Last month I chaired an Association of Partnership Practitioners workshop on “Rogue Partners”. What was striking was how many members attended (well over 100 leading partnership practitioners) and the intense interest in the…