
LLPs must keep a register of people with significant control

From 6 April 2016 every LLP registered in England and Wales must keep a Register of People with Significant Control (PSC).  Failure to do so or to comply with the other requirements of the regulations will be a criminal offence. The significant control information will have to be filed at Companies House annually, and the…

Is member liability in Limited Liability Partnerships really limited?

Is member liability in Limited Liability Partnerships really limited?

There are many circumstances in which an LLP member can end up with personal liability for either individual liabilities of the LLP or a share of the LLP’s losses over a particular period. This article examines just a couple of related examples as to how LLP members can end up bearing very substantial LLP losses….

LLP + no LLP members’ agreement = litigation

LLP + no LLP members’ agreement = litigation

The recent case of Eaton v Caulfield & others (an unfair prejudice petition brought under section 994 of the Companies Act 2006, coupled with a just and equitable winding up petition under section 122(1)(g) of the Insolvency Act 1986) highlights the difficulties faced by LLP members who do not have an LLP members’ agreement setting out their…

Insurance renewal induced cessation

Insurance renewal-induced cessation

“… If someone is completing on Friday it does not help them if their solicitor ceases to practise on Thursday …” Some legal practices are only now, with one week to go, receiving premium quotes for their 1 October 2010 professional indemnity insurance renewal. It is nail-biting for them as they may have only one quote – it is…

The 10 most important partnership or LLP deed clauses

The 10 most important partnership or LLP deed clauses

…Recessions bring out the worst in people… A recession has a way of exposing weaknesses in legal drafting. As practices try to respond to the economic climate, management teams consult the fine print of their partnership deed or LLP members’ agreement, and may find it wanting. This article describes and explains the importance of a…

Partners in a boardroom

Who is liable for an LLP legal practice run-off premium?

“… the number of insureds under a practice’s professional indemnity insurance can easily double every fifteen or so years …” (First published in the Law Society Gazette on 20 August 2009) Last year a letter dropped though the door of numerous former employees of Merricks LLP, putting them on notice that if certain of the…