Partnership agreement

5 questions for professional practices following the Seldon age discrimination judgment

5 questions for professional practices following the Seldon age discrimination judgment

“… if the answer to any of these questions is, “No,” there may be a problem …” Following the Supreme Court judgment in Seldon, how do professional practices quickly determine whether or not they should be taking advice on their current partner or LLP member retirement provisions, with a view to minimising the risk of…

age discrimination

A final resolution of professional practice age discrimination issues?

“… Most UK professional practices operate a system of inherently discriminatory compulsory retirement of partners at a fixed age, regardless of ability or performance, on the assumption that this is legally justified …” The case of Seldon v Clarkson Wright & Jakes is due to be heard by the Supreme Court on 17 January 2012…

The 10 most important partnership or LLP deed clauses

The 10 most important partnership or LLP deed clauses

…Recessions bring out the worst in people… A recession has a way of exposing weaknesses in legal drafting. As practices try to respond to the economic climate, management teams consult the fine print of their partnership deed or LLP members’ agreement, and may find it wanting. This article describes and explains the importance of a…