Sex discrimination

van Winkelhof, Court of Appeal

Winkelhof whistleblower equity partner is not a “worker” after all, but can bring a discrimination claim in England

“… such a member cannot bring a whistleblowing claim (and would also be deprived of part-timer and equal pay remedies) …” In a previous post I commented on the case of Bates van Winkelhof v Clyde & Co in which the Employment Appeal Tribunal found that an LLP member was a “worker” within the meaning…

Pursuing harassment instead of discrimination

Pursuing a harassment claim instead of a discrimination claim

… most conduct that would have been sufficient to justify a discrimination or sexual harassment claim may well be oppressive and unacceptable and cause anxiety, alarm or distress …It is quite a common occurrence these days to find at the first meeting with a client that he or she has a perfectly good discrimination claim…