Winding up

Insolvent partnerships

Whether partners of an insolvent partnership may reuse its trading name

In Re Newtons Coaches Ltd ([2016] EWHC 3068 (Ch), 29 November 2016) useful guidance has been given by Mr Registrar Jones in the Companies Court as to whether partners of an insolvent partnership may reuse its name in a subsequent business. Being involved in management Following the insolvent winding-up of their partnership under the Insolvent…

LLP + no LLP members’ agreement = litigation

LLP + no LLP members’ agreement = litigation

The recent case of Eaton v Caulfield & others (an unfair prejudice petition brought under section 994 of the Companies Act 2006, coupled with a just and equitable winding up petition under section 122(1)(g) of the Insolvency Act 1986) highlights the difficulties faced by LLP members who do not have an LLP members’ agreement setting out their…